This shows you how to set up smstools so you can use a ttyUSB controlled modem to send and receive SMSes on a Raspberry Pi. Also, I show how to set it up to access the mobile Internet so you can use that as a backup. Links: Send command directly to serial port: echo -n -e 'at!scact=1,1\r\n' (redirect output to) /dev/ttyUSB3 (YouTube doesn't allow the greater than sign for redirect) AT Commands: ################## ## General info ## ################## # Get information ati # Get manufacturer at+cgmi # Get IMEI at+cgsn # Get IMSI at+cimi # Get signal quality (RSSI,BER) RSSI=13 means 113-13*2 = -87dBm at+csq # Check if SIM is present at+cpin? # Check SIM registration at+cgreg? +CGREG: 0,1 (registered) +CGREG: 0,0 (not registered) # Show status at!gstatus? # Show custom options at!custom? # Password to set custom options at!entercnd="A710" # Set region to Australia at!custom="PRLREGION",03 # 01 Europe (and the rest of the world) # 02 North America # 03 Australia # 04 Japan ######### ## SMS ## ######### # Set storage, and sms mode AT+CPMS="ME"+at+cmgf=1 # Read all SMSes AT+CMGL="ALL" # Read individual SMS at+cmgr=0 # Send SMS at+cmgs="+61phonenumber" type message here and press CTRL+Z when finished # Delete SMS number 'x' AT+CMGD=x ################## ## DATA NETWORK ## ################## # Set up a profile at+cgdcont=1,"IP","" # Verify profile is created at+cgdcont? +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","","",0,0 +CGDCONT: 3,"IP","telstra.internet","",0,0 +CGDCONT: 15,"IP","telstra.bigpond","",0, # Connect with profile 1 at!scact=1,1 # Get IP address at!scpaddr=1